Saturday, January 22, 2011

TO DO: Get on the plane

After checking things off and then adding more to what seemed like an endless "TO DO" list, I am finally down to just one task, GET TO FLORENCE! I honestly cannot believe the time has really come, but I feel very ready to stop the 'planning and preparing' and finally start the 'exploring and experiencing'.  

With a brand new twitter account (Mcboschini), skype name (Mary.boschini), and now blog site, this formally very UNtechno savvy girl has already begun learning a lot on this adventure. I hope these avenues will help me stay in touch with all of you while I am in Europe. 

I will sincerely miss all of you, my close friends and family, while I am away but truly appreciate all of your thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes. 

Ciao for now! Next time, from Firenze! 

Grab the Passport and leave the Boots behind! (Betcha cant believe it? I'm not taking a single pair of cowboy boots with me.... What am I getting myself into?!) 


  1. No boots!?! I can't believe it. Safe travels. Love ya!

  2. Glad to hear you will be updating us throughout your trip. I will follow you religiously. Have fun and be safe!

  3. I can not believe you didn't bring any boots. You babe come a long way Mary!! What is your new address in Florence? I want to send a fun care package!
